When I got the news yesterday, my heart did this insane thudding thing.
Breathe, Tanessa.
You know when you get those messages that send your heart rate through the roof?
Yeah, that was yesterday (during a productive work block, of course) at 11:10am when my husband texted me:
“[Our landlord] is selling the house.”
Oh man. Brain problem solving and scenario planning mode engaged.
Except… I felt kind of excited.
We had always said we’d never voluntarily leave this house because we love the neighbourhood, the house, the price, all of it.
But if we ever did leave… maybe we’d go on an adventure.
I did the math yesterday. If we subtract out our monthly expenses that go towards living in this rental, we free up an additional $3,484.99 in monthly cashflow.
What if we didn’t jump into another rental?
What if we used that extra cashflow to travel?
Would we go for 2 months? 4 months? 6 months?
What would we do with our stuff?
Where would we go?
What do we want to see?
I did some fiddling with our budget and if we released those monthly expenses for a while, we’d have $8,104.94 of completely passive monthly income to travel with, not including revenue from our businesses.
So, nervous and excited is how I feel right now.
There are so many unknowns. We don’t know when our house will be listed, how long we have left in this home or if the new landlords will keep us or want the house for themselves.
When I look at our family’s future, it’s wide open. The possibilities are insane.
And while we don’t know anything except that change is coming, I am ready for a shake up.
This is how I choose to see my life.
One of the biggest pushbacks we received when we shared our financial independence journey through selling the house and renting was, “What if you have to move?”
I’m choosing to see it as exactly what needs to happen next.
There are people we need to meet that we haven’t met yet.
Maybe the universe has been hearing all of our quiet desires for a backyard for the girls.
Whatever the reason, this news shakes up our plans.
Our family is gearing up for an adventure.
Let’s go.