This is how we make quantum leaps.
What’s a quantum leap? It’s a huge jump forward that doesn’t logically make sense.
Like hitting the super fast forward button on the remote control.
We didn’t know we actually were making a quantum leap the first time it happened to us.
It was May 2021 and we had just made $420.95 in dividend income that month from our investment portfolio.
We were excited about it, but it felt far from the $5800 we needed to cover all our monthly expenses.
Flynn and I were brainstorming how we could make way more money so we could invest more and get there faster.
I could take on more 1-1 clients.
Flynn was doing online arbitrage on Amazon. He could scale it.
We could get another rental property.
I could start doing more trainings in other communities.
Start day trading or get better at stock picking.
Flynn could take on extra weddings in the summer as a videographer.
I could bring back my in person group classes.
Basically, our brain was looking through the solutions we already knew about to figure out the best option to pursue.
But all of those just meant more work and less time with our baby.
Then we asked ourselves what we now call our Quantum Leap Question:
What don’t we know about yet that is going to change everything?
We needed to start looking for solutions we DIDN’T even know about yet.
The First Leap
This is when Quantum Leap #1 happened.
We watched a YouTube video that documented how this couple sold their home and invested it all to create monthly cash flow (a style called passive income investing).
Could we sell our home? Invest it all?
In my vision, I would own this home and turn it into a rental property and keep it forever…
...but when we ran the numbers, it made perfect sense to sell.
It would actually COST us $25,000 more per year to stay in our townhouse than it would to invest it and rent a bigger, 4 bedroom house.
So, we leaped.
We made a decision and 3 weeks later, listed our house for sale. It sold in 5 days for $50,000 over asking price.
In the first week of July 2021, just over $400,000 hit our savings account and we moved into our new rental home.
By mid August, we had invested most of it and in September, we received $4,490.89 in cash that month from our portfolio.
Woah. Quantum leap.
This was a solution we weren’t even aware of just 4 months before.
We let go of our attachment to working more being the only option to reach our goals and left the rest up to the universe to plop a new option in front of us.
The Second Leap
It was February 2024 and we were sitting poolside in Panama with our new friends who happened to own the YouTube channel that inspired our first quantum leap.
I remember asking them what’s the next leap?
What’s the next thing that’s going to change everything that we don’t even know exists yet?
We laughed and continued on with the conversation, but the universe was listening.
On March 8th, a friend that I had loosely kept in touch with for years sent us a video he made on YouTube about the velocity of money (secrets of the rich).
My husband and I watched it on the plane ride home from Panama.
This was it. The thing we didn’t know existed yet but was going to change the game over the coming years.
We spent the next 3 months obsessively learning about liquidity pools, block chains, lending and crypto. It was very reminiscent of when we learned about passive income investing, except with the possibility of way higher returns.
We learned how to look at decentralized finance (DeFi) as a business, instead of gambling the way 95% of people play with crypto.
This is the leap we are in right now.
We haven’t reached the end point. We are in the early stages, playing with $22,000 to understand the game before we lean in.
What If All It Takes Is A Question?
It kind of reminds me of this joke:
You can’t see what you aren’t looking for.
What don’t you know yet that will change your life?
What haven’t you considered yet?
How else can you make this happen?
This is the power of learning how to ask yourself better questions.
Release yourself from the deeply embedded grooves of the societal, familial and cultural conditioning we blindly accept.
What other paths exist?
Go find them.
I once heard this quote "the quality of your questions, determines the quality of your life" and the questions you have asked, are such a great example of this!